Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The book is okay but not something i would recomend. The beggining was just about teenage problems and how they handle it. As the book progressed it seems like all they talk about is drugs, stealing, and ways to make money. The charcaters are always in the smae place now and tell about something else that they have been doing. It switches charcters ansd who nairates the story but it doesnt really get confusing because at the chapter it tells you who is talking. Everyone in the book tries to tell the reader that drugs are good and just make you feel good when you need to. They say that they can stop at anytime but i think they are to addicted to it to stop. This book would be good for some one who likes to read about teen problems and a love story between two kids who runaway.


D anator said...

I can't belive you this sounds like it talks about teenage problems you shuold be loveing this book and you took it frome me.

Dr.Suess said...

I agree with the retarded d anator

J. Pingrey said...

So Marvin...
What would you rather read about?