Friday, September 12, 2008

My book

The book i am currentlt reading is Smack. The main charcaters name is Tar.(Well it isn't really Tar but thats what he goes by)He is a boy who runs away because of how his step dad treats him.After Tar ran away so did his girlfrien Gemma. Tar tells Gemma that he loves her but she told him that she doesnt love him. That would hurt. Tar is a good boy and is really nice to everyone and he makes good choices. I think that he is mature for being a 14 year old. Now Tar lives in a squat wiht his newly gained friends.
The second character I want to talk about is Gemma. She is Tar's girlfriend. Gemma has vhad a few problems at home but not enough that she had a reason to run away. She pretty much just ran away to party, not have a parent, not have rules, and do what she wanted when she wanted. Tar knows that Gemma doesnt love him because Gemma told Tar that she was gonna go home with another guy and she planned on something happening between them but Tar got her just to come back to the squat with him.I think Gemma just needs to go home and live her life beacuse her and Tar aren't working out and everyone in the squat wants her out anyway.

1 comment:

J. Pingrey said...

I am very interested in the characters you have written about. What is Tar's plan now that he has run away? And you make him seem to be very smart; why would he want to stay with Gemma if she flat out tells him that she doesn't love him? How have these two met their new friends? I am very anxious to read you future posts. I hope you're still enjoying the book!