Thursday, September 4, 2008

Myself as a reader

Most of the books i read are either assined by the teacher for class or one that is recomended by a teacher because i don't know what kind of books i like to read yet so i read anything that looks interesting. I don't read on my own at all but reading is a way to pass the time after a test or something


J. Pingrey said...

I really appreciated the honesty of your post. Not everyone loves reading, but being able to find a good book that you like is important- even if you just read in school or to pass time after a test. A lot of times, I tell students to think about what they like to do outside of school: play sports, hang out with friends, art, video games, etc. and to find a book that is similar in some way. Let me know if you'd like some help finding a book if the one you're reading("Smack"...right?)isn't keeping your interest. Happy reading :)

Longhornfan325 said...

Hey Marvin. Your not worth commenting to but if I want a good grade I'm going to half too

D anator said...

I like how you get down to the action and get me hooked i might want to read that book.