Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The book is okay but not something i would recomend. The beggining was just about teenage problems and how they handle it. As the book progressed it seems like all they talk about is drugs, stealing, and ways to make money. The charcaters are always in the smae place now and tell about something else that they have been doing. It switches charcters ansd who nairates the story but it doesnt really get confusing because at the chapter it tells you who is talking. Everyone in the book tries to tell the reader that drugs are good and just make you feel good when you need to. They say that they can stop at anytime but i think they are to addicted to it to stop. This book would be good for some one who likes to read about teen problems and a love story between two kids who runaway.

Friday, September 19, 2008


My book really doesnt tell you where it takes place but by the way that they talk you can tell that it is probably some where in the untied states. This story now takes place in a city but it never tells the name of it. They live in a squat that they think is pretty nice for a squat. The setting moves a lot tho. It goes from houses to squats to parties to stores and cars. The characters in the book are never in one place for a while.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My book

The book i am currentlt reading is Smack. The main charcaters name is Tar.(Well it isn't really Tar but thats what he goes by)He is a boy who runs away because of how his step dad treats him.After Tar ran away so did his girlfrien Gemma. Tar tells Gemma that he loves her but she told him that she doesnt love him. That would hurt. Tar is a good boy and is really nice to everyone and he makes good choices. I think that he is mature for being a 14 year old. Now Tar lives in a squat wiht his newly gained friends.
The second character I want to talk about is Gemma. She is Tar's girlfriend. Gemma has vhad a few problems at home but not enough that she had a reason to run away. She pretty much just ran away to party, not have a parent, not have rules, and do what she wanted when she wanted. Tar knows that Gemma doesnt love him because Gemma told Tar that she was gonna go home with another guy and she planned on something happening between them but Tar got her just to come back to the squat with him.I think Gemma just needs to go home and live her life beacuse her and Tar aren't working out and everyone in the squat wants her out anyway.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Favorite book

I don't really have a favorite book because all the books i have read haven't been what i ahve been looking for. They have all been kinda boring to me. A lot of paople read books and say that they are good but when i read them its not that good.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Myself as a reader

Most of the books i read are either assined by the teacher for class or one that is recomended by a teacher because i don't know what kind of books i like to read yet so i read anything that looks interesting. I don't read on my own at all but reading is a way to pass the time after a test or something