Friday, October 24, 2008


Blogging was an okay experience. It was cool to get out of class and writing all the time and get on the computer.I would rather do this on friday than our normal routine during the week because we do way to much writing during the day. We write in every class so it was fun to be able to type instead.

Book I Have Read

The main character's name is Jeremy. He goes to Middle Brough High School and is some what like a nerd. He wore shirts that had stuff like star wars on them and only had one friend named Micheal who is also sort of a nerd. Jeremy wants to be more popular and get a girlfriend but he jus doesnt know how so he gets this thing called a squip that tells him what to say, do, wear, and think. Jeremy does everything the squip tells him to do and it acually works. He gets more popular and gets more friends but in my opinoin they arent true friends or they would like him for who he was before he got the squip like Mike did. Jeremy changes his whole lifestyle just because the squi[p told him to. He got buff, he bought different clothes, and changed his hair style. He has completly changed himself into a new person. 3 reason i wouldnt recomend this book are... Reason#1 The book really doesnt have any parts where your like oh my god whats gonna happen next it just is pretty dull. Reason#2 It is way to predictable. I guessed pretty much everything that was gonna happen and it did. Reason#3 The book kinda tells you to be some one your not just for people to like you more. If people dont like you for who you are then they arent really your friend! You just need to be yourself all the time.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Quotes From My Book

Qute#1 On page 164 of Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini the author writes, "We're going to have to steal one from your parents, or bring Michael." This quote is importanat because you shouldnt use your friends or steal from you parents and Michael shouldnt go with him anyway because he just ditches him all the time and doesnt even hang out with him anymore. He makes it seem like they dont even know eachother or arent friends anymore and thats not how a true friend would be.
Quote#2 On page 152 of Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini the author writes, "Never ever be mean to girls unless they're ugly." This quote is important because thats wrong to mean to some one just because they dont look they way you would like and this changes the type of girls Jeremy talks to. Now he talks to the most popular girls in school instead of the girl that he likes just because the squip(computer telling him what to do, say, wear, and everything else, so he will become more popular) told him not to. He needs to just be himself and if people dont like him for that then they arent your friends.
Quote#3 On page 175 of Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini the author writes, "Fine son, Have your friends been prank calling here?" This quote is importanat because prank calling can get you in trouble and it is pretty childish but it is also importanat because it was acually Jeremy who had called the house to distract his dad so he could drive the car down to the curb by their house. It was a great plan, i will give Jeremy that, but it is wrong of him to yake his parnets car without them saying he could.

Friday, October 10, 2008

What I Would Change

The book i am reading is "Be More Chill". I would change what the squid(super computer you eat to make you popular) does in the story. I wanna change that because it would make the book more exciting and interseting to read. All the squips do in the book is talk to the person they got aten by to make them more social. I would at least make it to where after they did what you wanted they would take over your body for their own amusement. I think it would make the book better by adding some action and disaster to the story instead of the worst thing being that you dont have many friends in school. Thats just lame

Friday, October 3, 2008


The halloween school dance reminds me of Smithton Middle School dances. In the book the dances were open for any student to attend but you had to buy a ticket to get in. There was dancing and tables of refreshmentsfor anyone to enjoy. Smithton's dances were the same thing but we had games and prizes we could win also. Anyone who just wanted to hang out with their friends and just chill out would go to the dance. The connection helps me have a better visual of what the dance looks like and what the kids are doing for fun. We had fun and enjoyed our school dances so i think they did too.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The book is okay but not something i would recomend. The beggining was just about teenage problems and how they handle it. As the book progressed it seems like all they talk about is drugs, stealing, and ways to make money. The charcaters are always in the smae place now and tell about something else that they have been doing. It switches charcters ansd who nairates the story but it doesnt really get confusing because at the chapter it tells you who is talking. Everyone in the book tries to tell the reader that drugs are good and just make you feel good when you need to. They say that they can stop at anytime but i think they are to addicted to it to stop. This book would be good for some one who likes to read about teen problems and a love story between two kids who runaway.

Friday, September 19, 2008


My book really doesnt tell you where it takes place but by the way that they talk you can tell that it is probably some where in the untied states. This story now takes place in a city but it never tells the name of it. They live in a squat that they think is pretty nice for a squat. The setting moves a lot tho. It goes from houses to squats to parties to stores and cars. The characters in the book are never in one place for a while.